Monday, December 10, 2012
Yet another lesson learned
Monday, November 19, 2012
Pot Stirrers aka Shit Starters
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Shop my AVON store!
Shop my AVON store!: Here's a sneak peak at some of the latest products available at Avon. Be sure to click
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Back from the dead
What do you do when someone you imagined was living under a bridge makes a reappearance? While I'm tempted to put the old Color Purple curse on them, but I've instead decided to kinda hope (with a huge bit of pessimism) that he will come around. It's so hard to not be bitter, but when there are children involved ALL bets are off. Oh, I'm taking it to the next kids deserve this. I may not be cursing you, but I'm coming after your ass that's for sure!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
It's been a while
After a very short stint on Plenty of Fish, I've given up on the idea of ever dating again. It's just not for me. Or as the kids say, I'm not about that life right now. It sucks because I would love to have someone to share my life with again, but it seems like it's just not in the cards for me right now. I've thought that once my son graduates high school which is a terribly long 5 years away, I could begin to see what's out there, but that seems so far away it's unimaginable. It kinda makes me sad. My mom even told me that my status updates on Facebook were making me sound desperate. I told her I disagreed and that my friends knew my situation and sympathized with me. She really seems to think that if I return to my home state Virginia, that my life will be drastically different. She thinks that the men will come falling out of the sky and the money will just flow like water. I on the other hand know that to be the complete opposite! It's as expensive as HELL to live in VA and while the men are properly trained in the ways of Black women (always a good thing), I don't believe the hype.
I don't really know where my place is, but in reality I can't go anywhere once Daniel is done with high school. I've got a career with retirement benefits and if I leave so do my years on the job. No thank you!
So I guess, I can just plan on having "the boy" live with me for the rest of my life and take care of me til I die! Ha ha ha! That sounds so morbid! Times are tough. Let me go watch my favorite movie SOMETHING NEW and get my relationship woes soothed for an hour and a half. Romeo, Julio, James where for art thou?
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
I've found the BEST website EVER
I'm telling you right now..check this out and you will be forever changed! You cannot blame me for the changes you'll make, but you will be so glad that you didn't listen to me. Ever heard of Pinterest? Well, her site is like Pinterest for fitness and nutrition.
AND if you think that's inspirational? Wait til you click on this link :
You wanna talk about inspirational!? Every time I'm at the gym and feel like quitting I think of this awesome woman! She is truly an inspiration and I only hope to be one half as sassy and FIT as she is! I love her.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Made him an offer he couldn't refuse
Today I went to dinner with my daughter's boyfriend tonight. He was the most nervous person in the world tonight. When I picked him up, I told him that I had my knives at the ready if he got out of hand. Enter nervous laughter. I took him to Culver's for burgers and frozen custard where I learned all I wanted about him. And even though he's got gauges (which he sort if regrets) he is a VERY nice boy. I knew he was nice so I wasn't surprised that we spoke so freely and candidly. I'm hoping that he learned a bit about me too in the process. My daughter is no fool, as she was not raised by one!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Plenty of Crap
Amazingly enough, within minutes I had messages in my inbox from guys telling me how beautiful and funny they think I am. This is WAY different from my previous debacles! I chose to do Plenty of Fish because number 1: It's free and number 2: It's free. What I'm finding out from reading a number of men's profiles is that this site is pretty much deemed a cesspool by the men listed there. I think that's pretty damn funny! Who knew there would be deceit and debauchery on the Internet!?
While I thought I had hit the jackpot with all the interest I had received, I was dumfounded to learn that the majority of the messages started off with: "You're beautiful, or You're sexy, or You're hot" Three sentences starters that are a definite turn off! Those messages get deleted without a second thought. Moving on! I have received messages from guys who are up front about them being married and separated but yet still want to "date". What the hell is that about?! You are full on married and on a dating site! I can't imagine the tramp that would be down for that. She certainly is not me. And as for the separated guys...same rules apply. I've sent them on their merry way with well wishes for them to find resolution in their marital situations and made it clear that I was never going to be one to disrespect the instution of marriage unlike them.
So, I've got this 30 y/o trying to talk to me right now. Yeah, I know 30! What the hell and I thinking? Well, I'm grown, he's grown and we are going to get married or have babies. Where's the harm in having a little fun? He starts off by telling me that he is a manager of a resort on the North side of town. Already, my red flags go up. GM of a resort at 30? I don't think so. When I asked him if he studied Hospitality in college he said he'd worked his way up. Yeah right! I was born 41 years ago, not yesterday! People laugh at me when I put the term allegedly in front of EVERYthing anyone's ever told me that I am even slightly skeptical about. But with this guy....oh that phrase comes flying out of my mouth!
So, I sent him another recent picture of me at his request. No problem, I'm good. I keep it looking right and tight, and I believe in truth in advertising, so I have nothing to worry about. He on the other hand had sent me a picture that was clearly 3-4 years old (a shirtless one no less) of him holding presumably his child. I have no problem with the kid, or the tattoos across his chest, but when he said he had a soul patch (don't judge me) and it was missing, I knew something was up. An alleged soul patch that is. :)
Over the next day we communicated like crazy and he asked me to come and meet him at his job as it was allegedly only him and the housekeeping staff. Really? At a resort in TUCSON? No guests....? Must be a sucky resort if you ask me. Then he was being really short with me. A total departure from the other day, and when I asked him why he was so short he said that he was bummed out because he is working on getting a car. A what? A damn car!? You are on a dating site, trying to holla at me and you don't have a damn car? Oh hell to the naw! I can't be arsed to deal with someone without a damn car! Mr. GM my butt! I clown my daughter daily for dating a 21 y/o without a car. You think I'm gonna deal with this dude! Hell naw! And to top it off, I've gotten the impression that he is FAT! No thank you! I mean I work hard to keep my body in top shape and if you don't do the same, I just can't be bothered. I don't expect Mr. Olympia, but damn, a gut? Nope, not for me.
So I didn't hear anything from him at all yesterday and I got the impression that he was coming to the realization that his not having a car was going to be a great hinderance to us hanging out, because if you can't even meet me half way without having to spend three hours on a bus, his not having a car would not work out. Then, I got a message at 11pm. Him: Hey you. Me: I ignored it til this morning when I replied: Hey! Have a good day. Him: You too. Loo (what the hell does loo mean?) Me: Hey! Can I ask you to send me a current picture? No response yet. The truth will come out soon enough. If he's fat he's got to go. Let's be honest, he doesn't have a car, so he needs to go. Just a matter of semantics really. He's a goner! Plenty of Fish by butt, the blog title is correct.
Friday, July 20, 2012
I'm Worse Than California
California has a three-strike policy in place for their penal system. I however employ a two-strike policy when it comes to dealing with me. This all stems from me stepping outside my box of requirements or wants with regards of potential. There is this guy that has pursued me for a while now, and despite the fact that he drinks like mad and smokes (total deal breaker), I gave him a chance.
First, he promised to take me to Caruso's on a date for some great Italian that I live for. He never followed through. Then, me and my crew were going out to the Cactus Moon so I decided to give him a second chance to show and prove. He no called no showed, giving a lame excuse the next day,apologizing and assuring me it wouldn't happen again. Not believing him for ONE second,I asked around for opinions on how to proceed knowing all along that I was DONE with him.
So I messaged him letting him know exactly where I stand and told him I'm done. Just goes to show you that sometimes stepping outside your box could be a good thing, but you should trust your gut and choose wisely. On to the next! Til next time..deuces!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Apple Annie's
Today, I went down to Willcox Az to go to Apple Annie's Orchard for some fresh fruit and veggies. Thank God for my navigator Angie because I know without a shadow of a doubt that I woulda ended up in Mexico! It's always nice to spend time with family and today I spent it with my girl Veronica and her family. My son was supposed to come but he had an attack of the toodlyoops and was not gonna be able to leave the porcelain throne for a while. Poor thing.
We went to pick some peaches before Angie and I went on to get the veggies. Today's haul: Apple pie, peaches,a delicious honey butter, squash, zucchini, green beans, sweet corn and a huge watermelon! I suported local business and at least reduced their carbon footprint....being eco friendly is gonna taste so damn good! Get out and find your local farmer's market if you are not near a farm or orchard and get some of this eco deliciousness! Til next time. I gotta go cut that melon! Deuces
Saturday, July 14, 2012
I Fell Into a Wormhole
Oops I did it again. I erroneously walked into the casino last night and when I left there this a MORNING, I was completely jacked up thinking it was the same day. Being able to walk outta that joint breaking even is a WIN for me. But just like every time, I know I need to be rid of this habit. And yet, I know that emphysema be damned, the ringing bells and random yelling will pull me back in a again!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Swimming with the sharks
Italy at a glance
Fabrizia and I went to so many places, like the Sagra event with my very FIRST taste of Cevapcici, Potoroz and Piran, Slovenia for the amazing seaside beaches and nudity to boot (weird at first), I swear we walked for at least 10km that day. We went to Padua (or Padova) a former Venetian city and saw some of the most beautiful churches that literally rivaled any in Venice. St. Michael's was amazing. Saw St. Luke's relics, and St. Anthony's for his tomb (which was incredibly touching). I toured Muggia by myself for half a day while Fabrizia studied and somehow got lost and ended up in a Post Office where one person spoke English...I figured while I was there to play it off and just get some stamps for my postcards! Who does that? ME, that's who! I found the castle and the gelato shop for some of the best gelato I'd had. And even contemplated going to get another scoop while I waited for the ferry to take me back to trieste. That in itself was fun. I literally was laughing to myself as the only thing in my mind was Otis Redding's Sitting on the Dock of the Bay while I waited for my ferry to come. It was hilarious! We went to Grado, Italy, Lubiana-the capital city of Slovenia and Lipiza, Slovenia-where the Lipizzaner horses hail from. Amazingly, every Lipizzaner horse in the world has come from the line of horses at this stud farm! And lastly, Aquiliea for the Roman Gladiator reenactments. Whew! I told you it was busy! I'm so grateful to Fabrizia and Gianpi for being so kind in opening up their home to me and to Leo for letting me use his room and letting me into their lives for a while. Mama Salvi for making that awesome Eggplant Parmesean (and for my lovely journal and pen) and Mama Barbieri for those delicious meatballs too! Yummy!I've decided that Europe is where I want to be as a result of the connections and interactions that I've had this vacation. I can't wait to come back!
England at a glance
We were joined by Dawn's mom on a visit to Lichfield Cathedral which was beautiful and then she treated us to lunch in town where I got to see the local town crier walking about. A missed photo op! Dang, but our lunches were a delicious treat! Dawn and Billy were sure to make sure I had the foods I had wanted to try since the last visit and I did just that with our last meal at the Ash Tree where I had my Steak and Ale Pie which was absolutely yummy! It was so filling, this was the one time that NO one, not even Sean had a dessert.
In addition to our meals out, I had delicious meals cooked by Dawn and her mom (the Roast pork was ace) and Dawn made some kick ass lasagna too. I would also like to mention that I actually had the opportunity to visit Dawn's dad at work at the Rugeley Fire Station where we actually sat in on an in-service training for them. It was especially exciting when we sneaked out a shirt for me and then they got an emergency call. Grandma Jones made some of the most delicious deserts (or pudding as they refer to them) A damn delicious homemade Cheesecake for desert for Father's Day and then we had a scrumptious homemade cake for Mama's birthday! Made me think of my own grandma baking from scratch and us kids fighting for the mixer paddles and licking the bowl.
Overall, I'm just a truly blessed person to have all of these wonderful people in my life. Who knew being the Female BLACK Austin Powers would lead to such great things for me! I'm forever grateful and will remember this time forever. Especially when I put up my bunting for the start of the Olympics even though I know my neighbors will think I'm a right NUTTER, but if anyone asks I will proudly tell them that I'm just reppin' for my family across the pond! Til next time. Deuces!
Back in the Saddle
Friday, June 29, 2012
technical difficulties
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Whoopi Goldberg?
Friday, June 22, 2012
A Stark Reality
I am a Health Teacher... ha ha ha ha ha.
Now for a bit of "comic" relief. The difference between America and England with regards to exploitation of idiocy is maybe not such a jump. Recently, a young lady was high on some Benzo Fury running naked through their local Tesco grocery store. This morning this chick was on a show similar to our Today show. Plus, the news reports on-line have included numerous pictures of this young lady with her breasts prominently displayed. It seems that she, and her drug induced frenzy has now guaranteed her at least a spot on Page 3 if not surefire infamy. I think at least in the states, they would have posted her mug shot instead of the sexy shots of her in the reports of the story.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
In defense of Madonna, Tina and Kathleen Turner
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Fish and Chips
The funniest thing about England is that the weather is cold here...although they think that 60 degrees is HOT, I know HOT and 105 degrees is hot, and that's how hot Tucson was today. Kinda thankful I missed that one while I was rockin' my hoodie while we were playing tourists.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Mexican.....NY Style Pizza
Soup Kitchen for 1?
Sunday, June 17, 2012
When we got to Rugeley, we went to Dawn's mom's house to celebrate her mom Gillian's birthday and Father's Day for both Billy and Graham. We had an awesome traditional Sunday Roast dinner complete with homemade cheesecake made by Dawn's grandma. We were all stuffed like pigs! What a great day! Til tomorrow-Deuces!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Crooked back
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
What a day!!!
After dealing with a crook in my neck for forever, I finally decided that this must be taken care of before I get on a plane on Saturday for an international flight and this neck is nothing too nice right now. I had to take my car to the shop for some routine maintenance also in preparation for my trip. I dropped it off this morning, took the bus home and walked my happy ass to the chiropractor's office about 2 miles from my house (might be a slight exaggeration). Did I mention it was 9am and probably 90 degrees by that time. I got to the appointment all sweaty and crooky wanting neck relief asap. It was hot as hell in that office damn it! But what was I gonna do? There is nothing like the skills of a chiropractor or massage therapist! Their hands are guided by God and they do great work. I love them with all my heart! After my appointment thanks to my awesome certificate I got (I get an exam and 4 adjustments for $49)! Beat that! I love me some Groupons baby! Get on that Groupon bandwagon and save yourself some moolah too!
This afternoon I had the great misfortune to sit my butt down to finally take care of this speeding ticket by taking the class on-line. I was ready to shoot myself after an hour of trying to stay awake and attentive. I would have rather given up a coveted Saturday afternoon rather than live through the nearly 4 hours it took to complete that damned on-line class! Never again!!!! Okay, maybe I should never speed again, that's a better statement.
Now that that's all complete, just trying to figure out why the hell CP Auto Chasers did not call me to tell me my car was done! WTH! That bad boy better be done by tomorrow afternoon, or we are gonna have problems! Wait a damn minute! That means I have to walk my happy ass back to the chiropractor's office AGAIN tomorrow! NOT HAPPY!!!!!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Must See TV?
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Camel Toe....I don't think so
Not to be outdone, mind you by "Young Thicke" as he referred to himself..Mr. Robin Thicke. He, himself was rocking some super tight skinny jeans that I guess fit with his song choice too (Crazy in Love). He too, has now cleared up his amazing ability to hit Mariah Carey type notes. Dear boys, BURN THOSE DAMN SKINNY PANTS! They are NEVER the answer. Until the next time...Deuces!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Two-a-days aren't just for Football players
So, I'm doing all I can to get this weight off. Okay not really, because that cake and ice cream AND Oreo cookies I continue to eat are not helping the situation ONE BIT! I don't however, skip out on the gym.....much! It has been a crazy week and therefore I missed a bit, but I went tonight and in my favorite cardio room at my local Platinum Fitness facility they were playing AVATAR. A movie I had no inclination to watch at all. I hesitated to get on the treadmill for my 20 minute run, but I did. Lo and behold the movie was near the end and I only got to watch the last 10 minutes of it while I ran. And who's gonna sit or run if you will, through a freakin' black screen with credits rolling for what seems like an hour? (See..Wolverine) Not me! 20 minutes cut down to 10 just like that. I didn't run out just yet though, I did hit up the core area and make it happen over there until my stomach was on fire. Now none of my gym "boyfriends" were in sight so I made a bee line outta there, past the murky pool, which even though it's over 100 degrees I hesitate to get in. Somethin's just not right there.
What did I eat for dinner you ask? Damn May's Chicken and Waffles! I know, I know, I'm an idiot! All that hard work for nothing! But listen! I had a great deal from Groupon for an awesome meal and I just couldn't pass it up. If you know anything about me, you know I'm cheap as hell and any opportunity for me to save a buck, I'm all over it! Until next time....Deuces!