Friday, July 20, 2012

I'm Worse Than California

California has a three-strike policy in place for their penal system. I however employ a two-strike policy when it comes to dealing with me. This all stems from me stepping outside my box of requirements or wants with regards of potential. There is this guy that has pursued me for a while now, and despite the fact that he drinks like mad and smokes (total deal breaker), I gave him a chance.
First, he promised to take me to Caruso's on a date for some great Italian that I live for. He never followed through. Then, me and my crew were going out to the Cactus Moon so I decided to give him a second chance to show and prove.  He no called no showed, giving a lame excuse the next day,apologizing and assuring me it wouldn't happen again. Not believing him for ONE second,I asked around for opinions on how to proceed knowing all along that I was DONE with him.
So I messaged him letting him know exactly where I stand and told him I'm done. Just goes to show you that sometimes stepping outside your box could be a good thing, but you should trust your gut and choose wisely. On to the next! Til next time..deuces!

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